Saturday, October 22, 2011

in a nutshell

Foods with the highest salicylate levels include
  • Citrus fruits
  • Grapes (including champagne and wine)
  • Plums
  • Strawberries
  • Almonds
  • Tomatoes
  • Avocados
  • Broccoli
  • Tea
  • Honey

Salicylates in Personal Care Products

The reason why people with salicylate allergies prefer to use salicylate free products,is that many skin care and personal care products contain salicylates which are not labeled as such on the ingredients list.
The salicylates come both from chemicals and also from natural herbs or fruits that may be added to the products.
Here is a partial list of ingredients that contain salicylates in over the counter medications and personal care products. If you think you might have salicylate sensitivity, I recommend you avoid products that contain these ingredients.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid
  • Aloe Vera
  • Artificial flavorings
  • Artificial food colorings
  • Aspirin
  • Azo dyes
  • Benzoates
  • Benzyl salicylate
  • Beta-hydroxy acid
  • BHA
  • BHT
  • Choline salicylate
  • Coal tar dyes
  • Disalcid
  • Ethyl salicylate
  • Eucalyptus Oil
  • Isoamyl salicylate
  • Magnesium salicylate
  • Menthol
  • Methyl Salicylate
  • Mint
  • Nitrates
  • Nitrites
  • Octylsalicylate
  • Wintergreen oil
  • Peppermint
  • Phenylethyl salicylate
  • Red Dye
  • Salicylaldehyde
  • Salicylamide
  • Salicylate
  • Salicylic acid
  • Salsalate
  • Sodium Salicylate
  • Spearmint
  • Yellow Dye

Learn more:

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Loads of good info:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Wheat, Barley, Rye, Spelt, Kamut




Rice, Corn, Millet, Quinoa, Buckwheat

  • Salicylates and/or SLAs (black and red rice are very high in tannins, jasmine and basmati rice are aromatic, buckwheat contains buckwheat polyphenol (BWP), corn contains salicylates, trace amounts in millet and quinoa)
  • others... OK?

Gluten-Free Flours

  • Salicylates and/or SLAs (rice and corn flour)
  • Added sulphites (all flours)
  • ? Glutamate
  • ? Solanine (potato flour)
Most gluten-free flours contain sulphites. This is the most likely cause of reactions. Have the grains been soaked or fermented? If so, assume an amine/glutamate reaction. Some highly processed gluten-free flours contain hydrolysed proteins (glutamate). Potato flours may contain solanine.


  • Salicylates and SLAs (low amounts found in skin, green potatoes, new potatoes)
Have the potatoes been fried in oil or dusted with flavour enhancers? If so, assume a reaction to additives. Did you eat potato skins, green or budding potatoes, or experience tachycardia, digestive problems or hiccups? If so, assume a reaction to solanine or salicylates. Potatoes also contain natural nitrates which can cause digestive problems.

Milk and Yoghurt

  • Casein: opioid-like peptides (bioavailability is increased by lactobaccillus fermentation making yoghurt reactions worse than milk)
  • Multiple immunological compounds (hormones, anti-microbial factors, immune development factors, tolerance/priming factors)
  • Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1) (particularly in rBGH-treated cows, IGF-1 is resistant to pasteurisation and bioavailability may be increased by pasteurisation, though IGF-1 is undetectable after heating to 121°C for 5 minutes, at which point the proteins become denatured)
  • Lactose (lower amounts in yoghurt, absent from sour tasting yoghurt)
  • Melatonin (a relatively harmless amine that aides sleep, particularly found in milk from cows milked before dawn)
  • Amines, particularly tyramine (trace amounts, usually yoghurt only)
  • ? Lectins (trace amounts, from the cow’s diet, lectin super-responders only)
  • ? Salicylates and salicylate-like polyphenols (trace amounts, from the cow’s diet, salicylate super-responders only)
  • ? Arachidonic acid (super-responders only)
  • ? Disinfectant used to wash out milk tanks (trace amounts, potassium iodide, chlorine and others, super-responders only)
  • ? Calcium (excitatory, causes glutamate release, super-responders only)
Do you find milk addictive? If so, assume an opioid-like peptide reaction. Does milk make you sneeze? If so, assume an intolerance to the immunological compounds and/or opioids. Does milk make you gain weight? If so, assume an opioid-like peptide reaction and/or sensitivity to IGF. Does milk provoke seizures? If so, you may need to test your reaction to calcium.
For suspected opioid-like peptide responders, individuals should test A1 milk (regular cow’s milk) versus A2 milk (Guernsey cow, goat’s and sheep’s milk). People who are intolerant of opioids usually tolerate A2 milk unless they are super-responders. See the gluten and casein responders page.

Cream and Butter

  • Casein: opioid-like peptides (trace amounts – super-responders only)
  • Insulin-like growth factor I (trace amounts – super-responders only)
  • ? Carotinoids including beta carotene (super-responders only, particularly in Jersey and Guernsey cows)
  • Lactose (trace amounts)
  • ? Arachidonic acid (super-responders only)


  • Salicylates and SLAs (extremely high)
  • ? BH4 (super-responders only)


  • Rubiscolin: opioid-like peptides
  • Salicylates and SLAs (very high)
  • Oxalates (extremely high)
Do you find spinach addictive? If so, assume an opioid-like peptide reaction. People with arthritis and aches and pains will need to test each food chemical separately as salicylates, oxalates and opioids can all cause arthritic pain.


  • Salicylates and SLAs
  • Oxalates (extremely high)

Spicy Foods e.g. Curry

  • Food colourings and additives (artificial SLAs)
  • MSG (glutamate)
  • Salicylates and SLAs (extremely high)
  • Capsaicin (alkaloid) (pain triggering component of hot pepppers, triggers endogenous opioid release)

Citrus Fruits: Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, Lime, etc

  • Salicylates and SLAs (extremely high)
  • SLAs with specific effects (trigger histamine release)
  • Amines (high)

Tropical Fruits: Mangoes, Bananas, Pineapples, Papaya/Pawpaw, Passionfruit/Granadilla, Pomegranate, Avocado, Carambola/Star Fruit, etc

  • Salicylates and SLAs (high, except for bananas)
  • Amines (very high)
  • Multiple SLAs with specific effects (e.g. bromelain)
  • Phytoestrogens (pomegranate)


  • Salicylates and SLAs (vary from very low to very high depending on variety)
  • Unknown factor (pectin? malic acid? found particularly in raw apples and apple peel, known to cause stomach ache, bloating and digestive upset in some people)

Figs, Dates, Prunes

  • Salicylates and SLAs

  • Added Sulphites

  • Sorbitol (laxative)

  • Caffeic acid, Chlorogenic and Neochlorogenic acids (SLAs) (laxative)

  • ? Digestive irritants (SLAs)

  • Grapes and Raisins

    • Salicylates and SLAs (extremely high)
    • Multiple SLAs with specific effects (flavinoids, polyphenols, e.g. quercetin, resveratrol)
    • Added Sulphites

    Nightshade Family: Tomato, Tamarillo, Tomatillo, Eggplant/Aubergine, Uchuva, Peppers, Tobacco, Potato

    • Steroid and Other Alkaloids (solanine, nicotine, chaconine)
    • Salicylates and SLAs
    • Amines, including unusual amines like GABA

    Coconut, Coconut Oil

    • Salicylates and SLAs (extremely high in SLAs)
    • Multiple SLAs with specific effects (flavinoids, polyphenols)


    • Caffeine
    • Salicylates and SLAs
    • Caffeic acid, Chlorogenic and Neochlorogenic acids (SLAs) (laxative)
    Do you self-medicate with coffee or have strong reactions to it? This may indicate a caffeine reaction.


    • Caffeine
    • Salicylates and SLAs (extremely high)
    • Gallates (SLAs) (green tea polyphenols)
    • Theanine (glutamate antagonist)
    Do you self-medicate with tea or have strong reactions to it? This may indicate a caffeine reaction or a sensitivity to glutamates (theanine in tea opposes glutamate and has a calming effect).

    Herbal Teas, Herbs and Spices

    • Salicylates and SLAs (very high in SLAs)
    • Multiple SLAs with specific effects (flavinoids, polyphenols)

    Chocolate and Cocoa

    • Theobromine (caffeine related compound)
    • Caffeine
    • Amines (very high)
    • Multiple SLAs with specific effects (flavinoids, polyphenols)
    • ? Unknown mechanism, possibly psychological, triggers endorphin release

    Cabbage Family: Cabbages, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower, Broccoli

    • Goiterogens (thyroid inhibiting effects)
    • Natural sulphur
    • Salicylates and SLAs (low in salicylates, moderate in SLAs)
    • Oxalates (variable)
    Do cabbage family vegetables give you hangover symptoms? If so, test for sulphur reactions as you may be a sulphur super-responder. Do cabbage family vegetables make you feel cold and headachy? If so, have your thyroid function checked. Salicylate super-responders react to cabbage family vegetables.


    • Natural sulphur
    • Salicylates and SLAs (low)
    Though garlic is allowed on the elimination diet, a significant subset of failsafers have strong reactions to natural sulphur and must avoid it.


    SLAs: stands for salicylate-like aromatics, including natural benzoates, gallates, polyphenols and flavinoids.

    Sunday, October 2, 2011


    The disorder is caused by an anomaly in the arachidonic acid cascade, which causes undue production of leukotrienes, a series of chemicals involved in the body's inflammatory response. When prostaglandin production is blocked by NSAIDS like aspirin, the cascade shunts entirely to leukotrienes, causing overproduction of LT-4 and producing the severe allergy-like effects.
    There may be a relationship between aspirin-induced asthma and TBX21, PTGER2, and LTC4S.[3]
    In addition to aspirin, other vaso-dilators may induce the same reaction, such as alcohol.

    The preferred treatment now is desensitization to aspirin, undertaken at a clinic specializing in such treatment. Patients who are desensitized then take a maintenance dose of aspirin daily; they have reduced need for supporting medications and fewer asthma and sinusitis symptoms than previously; many have an improved sense of smell.
    Treatment formerly focused on relieving the symptoms. Even desensitized people may continue to use nasal steroids, inhaled steroids, and leukotriene antagonists.
    Leukotriene antagonists and inhibitors (montelukast, zafirlukast, and zileuton) are helpful in treating Samter's.
    Some patients require oral steroids to alleviate asthma and congestion, and most patients will have recurring or chronic sinusitis due to the nasal inflammation. Desensitization reduces the chance of recurrence.

    [edit] Surgery

    Occasionally surgery may be required to remove polyps,[4] although they typically recur, particularly if desensitization is not undertaken.

    [edit] Diet

    A diet low in omega-6 oils (precursors of arachidonic acid), and high in omega-3 oils, may also help.[citation needed]
    Some people find relief of symptoms by following a low-salicylate diet such as the Feingold diet. They may need to eliminate the other salicylate-containing foods identified by Swain in 1985 as well.[5] For those who need them, these salicylates are listed in charts in the Feingold Handbook based on level of salicylate measured in the item. Unfortunately, any such list is only a rough guideline since amounts will vary depending on fruit/vegetable variety and where grown; in fact, organic foods have been shown to contain more salicylate than conventional produce because the plant is more likely to be under attack from pests, and salicylate is produced by the plant as protection

    salicylates vs non-salicylate subs:

    Condition/System: Candida/Fungal overgrowth

    Likely to Contain Salicylate: Grapeseed extract, Pau d’arco tea

    Likely to be Salicylate-Free:
    Acidophilus, low carbohydrate diet, Candida/food allergy desensitization, Nystatin, Diflucan, lactoferrin, colostrum


    Condition/System: Energy/Mitochondrial Support:

    Likely to Contain Salicylates: Ephedra, ginseng, guarana

    Likely to Be Salicylate-Free:
    NADH, carnitine, CoQ10, creatinine, magnesium, MSM, DMG, low carbohydrate diet, serine, B complex, iron, DHEA (pharmaceutical grade), pregnenolone (high purity or pharmaceutical grade), thiamine pyrophosphate, thyroid (TSH test), low dose cortisone (ACTH test), androstenedione, adrenal glandular extract, hyperbaric O, phosphorous (only if test abnormally low), Vitamin D, allergy/sensitivity reduction, low carbohydrate diet

    Condition/System: Immune Support/Anti Microbial

    Likely to Contain Salicylate: echinacea, goldenseal, astragalus, olive leaf extract, Maitake, Shiitake and Reishi mushrooms, LEM

    Likely to Be Salicylate-Free:
    Vitamins A, C & E, zinc, lysine, Immunocal, colloidal silver, allergy/sensitivity reduction, BHT, ozone, hydrotherapy, alpha interferon (low dose sublingual or injections to boost NK), Boiron oscillococcinum, baking soda in water, low dose cortisone (ACTH stim. test), Zovirax, low arginine diet for Herpes virus infections, N-acetyl-cysteine, thymus glandular extract, DHEA (pharmaceutical grade), human growth hormone, low carbohydrate diet, free form amino acids, SeaCure, lactoferrin, colostrum

    Condition/System: Vision

    Likely to Contain Salicylates: Bilberry

    Likely to Be Salicylate-Free: Zinc, Vit. A, E, C, beta carotene, N-acetyl-cysteine, alpha lipoic acid

    Current list of “Maybes” (may have salicylates, but should avoid until investigated, see Part G for more information): CLA (conjugated linoletic acid), quercitin, rutin, hesperidin, malic acid, capsaicin, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), betaine, xanthan gum, lutein, lycopene, hydroxycitric acid (Citrimax), beta glucan, octacosanol, flax oil, Brewers yeast, Kombucha mushrooms, bromelain, papain, caprylic acid/caprylate/capric triglycerides, 5-htp extracted from seeds, vinpocetine, some lower purity over-the counter DHEA or pregnenolone.

    Condition/System: Arthritis/Anti-inflammatory

    Likely to be Contain Salicylates: Boswellia, turmeric, curcumin, evening primrose oil, borage oil, black current seed oil

    Likely to be Salicylate-Free:
    Glucosamine sulfate, chondroitan sulfate, MSM, shark cartilage extract, allergy/sensitivity reduction, fish oil, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), sea cucumber

    Condition/System: Allergy/Sensitivity

    Likely to Contain Salicylate: Stinging nettle, bioflavonoids, bromelain

    Likely to be Salicylate-Free:
    Vitamins A, C & E, avoidance or immunotherapy (see Part C), magnesium, manganese, adequate water and salt

    Food and chemical reactions can also contribute to blood sugar fluctuations. Elimination diets and food diaries may be quite helpful in identifying reactive foods. An increase in the pulse of 10% or more, 30-60 minutes after a meal or single food challenge may help in identifying the most reactive items. A short-cut pulse test, which involves detecting a 10% increase in pulse after the food or supplement has been on the tongue for two minutes, allows one to test the food without ingesting it (Note: pulse tests may not work if one is taking beta blockers). The increased pulse reflects stimulation of the nervous system, and this stimulant effect may explain why many of one’s reactive foods are also favorite ones. The nervous system stimulation also may partly explain the withdrawal symptoms that occur in the first 3-7 days after stopping the reactive item. Rotation diets help many, but for those who are universal reactors, a relatively simple and constant diet of the least reactive foods, with only occasional rotation, may be more helpful at first, because this approach utilizes the masking effect to reduce reactions. The least reactive foods vary among individuals, but rice (especially white rice), quinoa, oats, chicken, tuna, raw sunflower seeds are good possibilities. A variety of laboratory and clinical testing and treatment methods are also available. The existence of 12 or more mechanisms for food and chemical reactions means that no single testing method is likely to detect all sensitivities. Some of the best known allergies/sensitivities are Types I, II, III and IV immune sensitivities, lactose, gluten, and fructose intolerance and lectin reactions. Chemicals, food additives, molds, dust and pollen may also cause problems. It should also be remembered, that sensitivity often increases the more one is exposed to the item.


    Assume you are very sensitive. Be meticulous in conducting your search of current or replacement products. Manufacturers make sudden changes and often list only “active” ingredients. If you must use the product contact the manufacturer to learn of “inactive” ones, which might include aloe, mentholatum etc.
    Many pain medications contain aspirin or have “salicylate” or “salicylic acid” as part of their contents. You cannot use these. Tylenol, Advil, Darvocet-N and anti-inflammatory drugs are acceptable.
    Heed the warning: all plants make salicylates. “Natural” refers to something made in nature. Poison ivy, oleander and hemlock are all natural but that does not make them safe. You must avoid products with that word including such things as aloe, ginseng, menthol, mentholatum, almond, grape seed oils etc. in creams, lotions and herbal medications.
    Castor oil and camphor have recently appeared in many lotions, lipsticks and underarm deodorants–they are high in salicylates.
    Ingredients with plant names butchers’ broom, rosemary, geranium, St. John’s Wort) must be avoided.
    Oils made from plant parts must not be applied to the skin.
    Avoid Vitamin E derived from Rose Hips and vitamins from “natural” sources such as vitamin C with bioflavonoids, which may contain quercetin, a source of salicylates.
    Avoid all lip balms with the exception of plain Vaseline. Tubes of this product are available.
    All creams and lotions for muscle and rheumatic pains such as Ben Gay contain salicylates and cannot be used. All sunscreens or sunless tanning products with plant derivatives, including oxylsalicylate readily block.
    Cleansing lotions, astringents, exfoliants, lotions for oily skin and acne compounds, such as Stridex, often contain salicylates. It is best to avoid herbal shampoos and hair conditioners though they are not on the scalp long. Herbal hair sprays will land on the skin and deliver salicylates. Avoid shaving creams or soaps with menthol or aloe; microscopic cuts produced by razors with aloe-coated, white or colored strips provide direct access into the bloodstream.Use no herbal bubble baths.
    Wart and callus removal products almost all contain salicylates.
    Peptobismol is bismuth subsalicylate.
    Certain mouthwashes such as Listerine, contain salicylate as do toothpaste’s with “gum care ingredients.”
    These offending substances will be absorbed and partially or totally block the effect of guaifenesin. No adverse reaction ensues but no benefit is attained. Be aware, a few pharmacies have made serious errors. Patients should obtain plain “guaifenesin,” not a tablet containing decongestants or anti-cough preparations.
    Our therapeutic approach is not for the weak of courage. As we warned above, reversal of the disease often produces many symptoms causing some patients to doubt their progress during the initial two to four months. It takes confidence and strength to get through this early phase. Cyclic appearance of good days and improvement on mapping provides the needed encouragement to go on.”
    (Author’s note: Dr. St. Amand has recently informed me that some guaifenesin users have traced salicylate exposure to plant sap and other materials coming into contact with their hands while gardening. He suggests wearing hard-palmed gloves while gardening, if this sort of contact occurs. Also, with regard to the herbal sweetener Stevia, he believes it can be used in very small amounts, like for coffee, but could be a problem if used in larger amounts. It is not a problem for hypoglycemia.)


    Some foods do contain significant amounts of salicylates; however, they generally will only be of concern to those who have a hypersensitivity to salicylates.

    In the food category, fruits had the largest amount of salicylates, particularly berries (the range of berries was from mulberries, 0.76 mg/100 gm to raspberries at 4.4 mg/100 gm). Apples were quite variable, from 0.19 mg-0.59 mg per 100 grams of fruit. Dried fruits tended to be fairly high (figs were 4.4mg and raisins were 5.8-6.2/100 gm). The researchers had the impression that the low salicylate fruits were the ones that had a less piquant flavor, e.g., mangos, pears, as compared with pineapples, oranges, and the berry fruits, which had higher salicylate levels. On the whole, vegetables did not have very high amounts, except for gherkins (6.1 mg/100 gm). Tomato sauce had a significant salicylate level, but this appeared to be due to additional herbs and spices. Some herbs and spices were quite high. For curry powder, there was 218 mg/100 gm. Others that were almost as high were paprika, thyme, dill powder, garam masala, oregano, and turmeric. However, since the amounts one uses in cooking are usually quite small, probably at the most 0.1-0.5 grams per day, this is not very significant for most people. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products all have little to no salicylates. Of the legumes, seeds, nuts, and cereals, only almonds, water chestnuts and peanuts had significant amounts (3.0, 2.9 and 1.1 mg salicylate per 100 gram, respectively). For drinks, cocoa and decaffeinated coffee had negligible amounts, whereas a number of teas had fairly high levels (2-7 mg for 100 ml of tea made from 2 tea bags). The teas tested were a number of different Twinings brands and some Chinese teas. The lowest tea was a decaffeinated tea, at 0.37 mg. Coffees were lower than 1.0 mg salicylate per 100 ml coffee, except for a type of chicory coffee (2.26 mg/100 ml). Wines were in the range 0.35-1.0 mg/100 ml. Among the other alcoholic beverages Benedictine and one type of port stood out as high (9.04 and 4.2, respectively). Quite high amounts of salicylate were found in licorice (8-10 mg/100 gm) and peppermint (0.8-7.9 mg/10 gm). Mint candies are often given additional flavorings like methyl salicylate. Artificial flavors that are often made from salicylates also include strawberry, grape, butter, vanilla, cinnamon, caramel and walnut. Some of the other products that include artificial flavorings are baked goods, soda, candy, chewing gum, ketchup, ice cream, puddings, tooth pastes and mouth washes (Feinleib and Ingster, 1996, American Heart Association meeting).

    As noted above, it is primarily salicylate-sensitive people who have to be really concerned about the food sources

    Pear Preserves


    • 6 cups peeled, cored, and sliced pears
    • 1 cup water
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
    • 1 (2 ounce) package powdered fruit pectin
    • 8 cups white sugar
    • 1/2 cup brown sugar


    1. Sterilize jars and lids in boiling water for at least 10 minutes. Let simmer while making jam.
    2. In a large saucepan, combine pears, water, and lemon juice. Cover, and simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in pectin, and bring to a full boil. Stir in the white sugar, and continue boiling and stirring uncovered for 1 minute, until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat, and stir in brown sugar.
    3. Quickly fill jars to within 1/2 inch of the top. Wipe rims clean, and top with lids. Process jars in boiling water for 10 minutes to seal.